Wednesday, September 15, 2010


My template is Here.

This tutorial was written for those

that have a semi-working knowledge of ·PaintShop Pro·

Supplies Needed·

I am using the awesome work of Barbara Jensen,

You must have a license to use her work from Eroticartistgallery.

See her workHere.

kit:i can't be tamed
By, Tammy

Purchase the kit Here.

This is a forum tag tutorial.

Open my template

using manual color correction,

change the template layers to two colors from kit or tube.

from tammy's kit,open the flower element,resize to suit

place up top right corner

add the resized bow on top left corner,rotated to left

after that,add your 2 main tubes,placing them left and right sides.

draw out a rectangle,thin

color from kit or tube.

add a line dashed,using the pen tool.

width is 2.

in a lighter color.

add your name and duplicate,on top layer

selection tool,a small thin line thru it,

press delete,add a bold shadow

repeat this with your own saying.

add your copyright and save your new tag.

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